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  1. | 26 Jul 2013

    AS 4000 -1997 General Conditions of Contract

    Australian Standard 4000 General Conditions of Contract. This Standard was prepared by the Joint Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand Committee OB/3, General Conditions of Contract. It is the result of a consensus among Australia and New Zealand representatives on the Joint Committee to produce it as an Australian Standard.

  1. | 26 Jul 2013

    Quotation Document Pad

    Simple duplicate quote forms in pad format. Provides builders details, brief description of work and total price fixed for 30 days.

  1. | 26 Jul 2013

    ABIC BW.SC-1 User Guide

    A practice note for general guidance in understanding ABIC BW.SC-1 Basic Works subcontract

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Thermal Mass

    Thermal mass is often talked about as vital for good passive-solar design. Thermal mass in WA is easier to provide that you think, purely due to the materials we prefer to build with. The installation of concrete floors and brick walls provides the thermal mass of our buildings. We must make sure that it works […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Unfair Contracts Legislation

    Individuals can take advantage of the unfair contract provisions unless they are performing private or domestic work. Corporations that are independent contractors may have their contracts (excluding those for private or domestic services) reviewed where the work is wholly or mainly performed by the corporation’s director or members of the director’s family. The Independent Contractors […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013


    Window considerations are often underrated by homebuyers when they are planning to build their new home. However with a little pre-planning and thought, correct window selection for your needs can occur. The correct size and shape of windows is important to maximise the energy efficiency of your new home and reduce your energy bills. The […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Paving – Other Information

    Efflorescence – Do not be alarmed A white deposit known as efflorence may sometimes appear on any concrete or masonry product. It does not affect structural integrity and will dissipate over time. Efflorence is not indicative of a flawed product. Efflorence is a temporary condition where salts in the soil migrate via evaporation to the […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Roof Sarking

    Roof sarking is a membrane that is fitted during tile or metal roof construction. The flexible membrane is usually installed under the battens to provide thermal insulation and to prevent water and dust penetration in the roof space. In bushfire prone areas flying embers cannot enter this space through the roof due to sarking protection. […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Solar Systems Installed in Australia

    Residential 1kW systems are most common at the moment due to the Federal Government Rebate funding up to a maximum of a 1000 watt (1kW) system.   A lot of customers are installing 2 or 3 kW inverters in their systems however so that they can add additional capacity in the future as power get […]