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  • | 6 Jun 2013

    Unfair Contracts Legislation

    Individuals can take advantage of the unfair contract provisions unless they are performing private or domestic work. Corporations that are independent contractors may have their contracts (excluding those for private or domestic services) reviewed where the work is wholly or mainly performed by the corporation’s director or members of the director’s family. The Independent Contractors […]

  • | 6 Jun 2013


    Tilers are not a Registered or licensed trade in Western Australia. Registration or Licensing is only required for builders, electricians, plumbers and painters. Tilers can obtain formal qualifications through TAFE, but many would have learned their skills “on the job” rather than be formally trained. There is a Ceramic Tilers Association to which some tillers […]

  • | 6 Jun 2013

    Tilt-Up Construction

    Tilt-up construction is common in the commercial and industrial building sector and it is becoming more popular in the housing sector as a construction method. Tilt-up construction is a form of precast construction walls where panels are built on the ground on site, lifted and placed, then propped in position while the roofing structure is […]

  • | 6 Jun 2013

    Union Right of Entry

    This Fact Sheet provides information about the right of entry requirements in the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (FW Act). Right of entry permits The right of entry provisions in the FW Act allow union officials who hold valid entry permits to enter employers’ businesses for certain purposes. Union officials can apply to Fair Work […]

  • | 6 Jun 2013

    Skylights – Fire Protection

    Fire separation for buildings as detailed in the Building Code of Australia (BCA) should be considered when planning placements of skylights. The BCA places limitations on the location of skylights near property boundaries and adjacent adjoining buildings to reduce the likelihood of fire spread between buildings. Generally the provisions are based on nominated distances from […]

  • | 6 Jun 2013

    Safety Management Plan (Residential)

    WorkSafe WA has introduced mandatory site-specific safety management plans for domestic construction as from 1 October 2008. Where five or more persons are working or are likely to be working simultaneously on a domestic construction site, you will need to have a site-specific occupational health and safety management plan prepared before work commences. The plan […]

  • | 6 Jun 2013

    Rise and Fall Clause

    In times of volatile building costs, builders will look at ways of reducing the risk of signing “fixed price” contracts with clients, contracts which leave the builders bearing the total burden of fluctuating costs over the construction period. In the last boom, massive increases and fluctuations in the price of roof tiles, steel and copper […]