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  • | 6 Jun 2013

    Roof Frames

    Both timber and steel are used in roofs. Each material has advantages and disadvantages. Supporters of steel roofs (which are being used nowadays by a number of major builders) argue that it is more environmentally friendly, fire safe and termite proof. However the timber industry rejects these arguments, stressing the high level of embodied energy […]

  • | 6 Jun 2013

    Roof Sarking

    Roof sarking is a membrane that is fitted during tile or metal roof construction. The flexible membrane is usually installed under the battens to provide thermal insulation and to prevent water and dust penetration in the roof space. In bushfire prone areas flying embers cannot enter this space through the roof due to sarking protection. […]

  • | 6 Jun 2013

    Roof Leaks

    Leaking roofs are a common complaint during winter, in particular in new homes that are being tested by the rain for the first time. Leaks can be caused by either a construction problem, lack of maintenance by the owner, or both. Some of the construction issues that can be the cause of roof leaks include: […]

  • | 6 Jun 2013

    Roof Carpenters

    There is no system of trade licensing in Western Australia, so it’s an “open market” for roof carpenters. Word of mouth, referral from friends or advertisements in the local community newspaper or the Yellow Pages are the main sources of supply. In terms of checking a “tradie’s” credentials, you could seek verification of formal trade […]

  • | 6 Jun 2013

    Natural Light in Habitable Rooms – Roof Light Concession

    The Building Code of Australia has a minimum requirement for natural light to a habitable room. It is calculated based on the floor area of a habitable room. A window opening is required that has an area 10% of the floor area of the room. Light may also be borrowed from the adjoining room. The […]