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  1. | 26 Jul 2013

    DECON 2013 User Guide

    The DECON 2013 User Guide provides a plain English description of the substance of the DECON 2013 Lump Sum Contract to help in the understanding of the administration of the contract.

  1. | 26 Jul 2013

    ABIC SW.SC 2018 User Guide

    A practice note for general guidance in understanding ABIC SW.SC-2018 Simple Works subcontract.

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Roof Carpenters

    There is no system of trade licensing in Western Australia, so it’s an “open market” for roof carpenters. Word of mouth, referral from friends or advertisements in the local community newspaper or the Yellow Pages are the main sources of supply. In terms of checking a “tradie’s” credentials, you could seek verification of formal trade […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Safety Management Plan (Residential)

    WorkSafe WA has introduced mandatory site-specific safety management plans for domestic construction as from 1 October 2008. Where five or more persons are working or are likely to be working simultaneously on a domestic construction site, you will need to have a site-specific occupational health and safety management plan prepared before work commences. The plan […]