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  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Geographic Information Systems

    Geographical Information Systems (GIS) is a technology critical to the successful management and completion of many projects. It integrates spatial data, software and hardware with skilled professionals, enabling the detailed analysis of opportunites, constraints and potential impacts at any scale. GIS has now become an invaluable tool for the management of complex environmental challenges and […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013


    Both the mandatory installation of rainwater tanks and the installation of piping to allow a greywater system in new housing are being considered by the state government as part of its planned 5 Star Plus Stage 2 changes to building regulations. While the installation of rainwater tanks is quite straightforward (except for what size tanks […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Garden Design

    With smart planning your garden can help control the temperature of your home.   Plants and trees moderate temperature, keeping your house cool in summer, and sheltering it from the cold in winter. By choosing deciduous trees that shed leaves, you can still let in the warmth of the winter sun in autumn. Minimise lawn area, […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Government Tendering

    The Department of Treasury and Finance oversees Tenders WA, which commenced from March 2009.  The system replaced Gem Tendering, also known as the Contracting Information Bulleting Board, as the central online source of information on Western Australian public sector tenders and awarded contracts. Key functionality enhancements to the previous system include: ·         Automatic email notification of new tenders ·         […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Cleaning a Home

    This is the simplest form of maintenance. Besides giving a bright appearance, cleaning can prevent build up of moulds and can stop moisture being trapped which can cause rust or rot, check such things as: Clean guttering as necessary to remove leaves, mud and other foreign matters; Remove rubbish accumulating close to walls; Check that […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Cooling a Home

    The hot summer months in Perth require attention on how we can cool our homes. The recent upsurge in use of domestic air-conditioners (either refrigerated or evaporative) is one way residents have dealt with the problem. However both the upfront and usage costs of mechanical cooling devices can be expensive. As an alternative there are […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013


    The word ‘asbestos’ certainly rings alarm bells with most people, but many of us still have trouble sorting the myths from the facts about this potentially dangerous substance. One problem is that many people don’t believe they have asbestos in their homes when, in fact, you’ll find it in almost every house that’s more than […]