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  1. | 17 Jun 2013

    Regional Branches

    Albany (Covering the Great Southern Region) Email Phone (08) 9841 62320412 376 661 Address 30 Graham StreetALBANY WA 6330 Post PO Box 1518ALBANY WA 6332 Bunbury (Covering the South West Region) Email Phone (08) 9726 09390403 136 733 Address 19 Clifford Street cnr Ray Jordan WayHALIFAX LIA WA 6230 Post PO Box 253BUNBURY […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Union Right of Entry

    This Fact Sheet provides information about the right of entry requirements in the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (FW Act). Right of entry permits The right of entry provisions in the FW Act allow union officials who hold valid entry permits to enter employers’ businesses for certain purposes. Union officials can apply to Fair Work […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Site Works and Contracts

    Site costs can be a difficult element of a building contract. In most situations, builders will not specify an exact amount for site works, but will nominate a “provisional sum” or best estimate which may be adjusted up or down depending on work actually required. Under the Home Building Contracts Act a builder cannot just […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Swimming Pool Construction

    Swimming pools are extremely popular and come within the definition of “home building work” in the Home Building Contracts Act (1991). This legislation covers issues such as maximum deposit payable (6½ per cent of contract value), progress claim payments and so on. There are several construction issues to consider. When a swimming pool is constructed […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Security: Your Home

    There are a number of factors to consider when you want to make sure your new or existing home is as secure as possible. Below are a list of things to consider when you are trying to make your home as safe as possible. Let’s look at the house   1. Are there security screens […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Security: Home Systems

    Home security systems are becoming a vital part of any residence. Crime is always on the increase, and protecting your home with a security system is becoming cheaper and much easier, with user friendly systems – even with do it yourself equipment.   There are many different systems to choose from, and many experienced and approved […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Solar Power System

    The Solar Panels collect the sunlight and create energy. They are attached to the roof by high strength rails able to withstand wind, rain and hail. The energy flows through to the Inverter which converts the current from Dc to AC (to usable household power).   A Bi-directional meter records the amount of power being […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Insulation Types

    Loose Fill Loose fill materials include cellulose fibre and mineral wool, and is mainly used as ceiling insulation. It is simply pumped into the roof space, or sometimes the wall cavity. Since there’s no cutting, fitting or stapling it’s one of the fastest and easiest insulation types to install. Cellulose has been rated currently (by […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Financing a Renovation

    The first thing to consider when you decide to renovate is exactly how you want to enhance your home. It seems obvious, but making sure you have a clearly defined vision from the start will minimise the risk of getting carried away and allow you to stick to a budget. Once you decide on what […]