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  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Redevelopment Authorities

    The WA Government has established a number of redevelopment authorities to expedite the development of land in WA. They operate by suspending local and state planning laws and introducing redevelopment schemes to govern development in a defined area. Current redevelopment authorities include: Armadale Redevelopment Authority The Armadale Redevelopment Authority (ARA) is tasked is to plan, […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Skylights – Size of Skylights

    Sizing of a skylight is dependant on the level of illumination required. The table in ‘Size of Skylights,’ provides guidance for average installations under average related conditions. It also assumes that some other form of lighting, such as borrowed light from a window, contribute to the overall result in the living areas for a satisfactory […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Electricity Connections and Headworks Charges

    WA Electrical requirements provide for a standard supply up to: 63 Amps single phase (Perth and major towns) 32 Amps single phase (rural areas and small towns) 32 Amps per phase for multiphase (all areas) Consumer mains size of 35mm² (all areas) A large house with air-conditioning, pool and many appliances is likely to require […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Balconies and Decking

    Pest damage, water rot, corrosion, or other physical damage to your decking or rails can occur in obscure locations.    Timber can fail for a number of reasons including incorrect timber selected (ie not suitable for an external structure), poor maintenance, or insect attack by the European House Borers or termites.   Concrete balconies can […]