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  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Smart Planning Your Home and Garden

    Smart planning your garden With smart palnning your garden can help control the temperature of your home. Plants and trees moderate temperature, keeping your hosue cool in summer, and sheltering it from the cold in winter. By choosing deciduous trees that shed leaves in autumn, you can still let in the warmth of the winter […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Fixed Price Contracts

    Fixed price contracts are the most common form of domestic building agreement. As the name suggests a fixed price agreement is where the builder agrees to perform building work for a fixed sum. This provides a degree of certainty to both parties, but during a period of escalating costs the builder is likely to include […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013


    As the general public and builders become more environmentally aware, the pressure is on suppliers to meet their needs.   Selecting environmentally friendly construction timbers is one area where the builder has an increasing amount of choices.   ‘Eco’ timber is the common name given to timbers that are harvested with the community in mind; […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Efflorescence on Bricks

    The growth of white crystals on the surfaces of brickwork and blockwork is called efflorescence and is a common problem particularly in high rainfall areas. Efflorescence is caused by the presence of water-soluble salts which occur naturally in cement-water mixtures. The salts are brought to the surface of bricks or blocks as hydroxides when the […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013


    In the Perth metropolitan area, a large majority of all new homes are double brick structure. However in many regional areas of WA, framed construction is very popular. One of the main reasons why double brick is so popular is because of our sandy soil. The soil type is very stable with very little ground […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Charging for Quotes: Builders and Subcontractors

    Charging for quotations is not a common building industry practice. But builders can pick and choose their jobs, and charge for quotes and in order to discourage “check pricing” by some consumers. A problem can arise when some financial institutions require three quotations before approving a loan amount. Many builders particularly in regional areas are […]

  1. | 6 Jun 2013

    Balconies and Decking

    Pest damage, water rot, corrosion, or other physical damage to your decking or rails can occur in obscure locations.    Timber can fail for a number of reasons including incorrect timber selected (ie not suitable for an external structure), poor maintenance, or insect attack by the European House Borers or termites.   Concrete balconies can […]