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Prefabricated Fencing – New Innovation keeping with tradition

When choosing a fence, builders and renovators need to consider the style of home they want to achieve and the purpose of the fence before being able to select the most suitable product on the market.

Traditional fencing systems such as brick, timber or corrugated fences all have their advantages and disadvantages, often chosen for emotional and aesthetic reasons.

However more and more developers are choosing prefabricated fences as an alternative, particularly on larger scale projects. They are easier to transport and install, making them better value than traditional fencing systems.

New innovative products are continuing to be introduced to the Western Australia market, and builders now have a wider range of options available which can offer far superior time and energy savings, as well as providing the perfect design appeal.

Builders should look for quality prefabricated fences constructed with panel and post systems, anchored into concrete footings to provide strength and durability.

When selecting fences, consider the following:

  • Design and versatility
  • Cost
  • Strength
  • Zero neighbour conflict
  • Ease and time of installation
  • Environmental impact
  • Accessibility on site
  • Treatments to protect from fire, moisture and pests
  • Aesthetics and adaptability to finishes such as rendering and painting
  • Storage and transportation
  • Versatility
  • Local Government regulations



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