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In the construction industry, being a cutting edge company that embraces innovation and new technology can be the difference between being a true industry-leader and struggling to remain profitable. Different businesses require different systems.

If your company reaches a point where you find your software systems and processes are holding you back from reaching your potential, you have only two choices:

1. remain functioning with the existing inefficient systems;


2. choose to implement an integrated enterprise resource planning system. ***

When thinking about a suitable software package for your company, create a comprehensive and prioritised list of functions the software system needs to perform (eg. payroll, human resources, project management, document control etc.). Always remember to include training requirements, ongoing compliance and the capability to integrate new technologies as they become available, keeping your business current.

Steps to assist you in making your checklist

1. Document your current business processes;

2. List where issues currently lie;

3. Note what you do not want to change;

4. Highlight where the opportunities for improvement exist.

Searching for software using this checklist allows you to more subjectively review the vendors and gives each vendor the opportunity to better demonstrate their software’s capabilities according to what your organisation is after.

Questions to ask of the shortlisted vendors

1. If you are deriving a competitive advantage from any existing processes or systems, will the potential new software package align with these or do so with minimal customisation?

2. Will the software package streamline your processes?

3. Where would you see tangible results?

What benefits would construction companies gain from implementing an enterprise resource planning system?  The principle benefit is control.  Further benefits include

• Increases in productivity and revenue;

• Reductions in cost and risk;

• Removes duplication;

• Synchronises  workflow;

• Produces real-time information to support decision making.

And don’t forget IT Disaster Recovery

With such a diverse array of potential disasters such as floods, cyclones, bushfires, it makes strategic sense to create a robust plan to ensure that the IT systems of the business can recover in the event of an external or internal disaster.

***(enterprise resource planning is a software system that facilitates the flow of information across your entire business)

See also:

Project planning & software

Enterprise resource planning & strategy


T: 07 3004 6100


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