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  1. | 19 Apr 2017

    2017 Apprentice of the Year Awards Nomination

    2017 Apprentice of the Year Awards  The Master Builders Apprentice of the Year Awards recognise the achievements of the best apprentices in the building and construction industry in Western Australia. The awards have been designed, on behalf of the Group Training Organisations, to promote the up and coming builders in our industry, those who will […]

  1. | 12 Aug 2015

    Spend less time discovering more with SLIP

    The Shared Location Information Platform (SLIP), managed by Landgate, brings together useful planning information from across multiple government agencies. SLIP services are easily accessible via simple online maps such as the SLIP Property and Planning map. The previous GIS SLIP data services are also still available. The SLIP Property and Planning Service include Regional Schemes […]

  1. | 17 Jul 2015

    Trade Regulations

    Western Australia has limited registration of trades. Only electricians, gas fitters, plumbers and painters attract registration requirements. This is in stark contrast to Queensland where over 90 trades are licensed. Or South Australia where around 80 trades are licensed. WA currently has general consumer protection under the Trade Practices Act or the Fair Trading Act […]