| 12 Mar 2014 RBW for Housing including multi-residential (Minimum purchase: 2 = 1 set)
Residential Building Works Lump sum contract for housing projects, including multiple units, where the contract sum is more than $500,000 or more. While not required to comply with the Home Building Contracts Act, this contract is similar to much of the HBW lump sum contract. The contract is directly between builder and owner […]
| 26 Jul 2013 Australian and New Zealand Standard Method of Measurement of Building Works 2022 Edition
Joint Master Builders-Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors publication providing a uniform basis for the measurement of building work.
| 26 Jul 2013 Home Buyers Construction Guide
The Guide aims to inform new home buyers about common construction concerns such as plaster cracking, glass scratches and slab cracks, with advice on whether remedial action is necessary. It is an ideal complement to standard contract documents, dealing with expectations about levels of finish and construction standards to be achieved in new homes.
| 26 Jul 2013 ABIC MW.SC-2018 Companion Subcontract to MW-2018 (Set of two)
Companion subcontract for ABIC MW-2008 Major Works Contract. Sets out the obligations of subcontractors engaged by the builder to perform work on medium to large projects.
| 26 Jul 2013 ABIC MW-2018 User Guide
The Australian Building Industry Contract (ABIC) suite of documents has now been marketed for seven years. The contract is regularly reviewed. This document sets out the changes made by the ABIC joint venture to the main contract during 2007 and 2008, marketed as the 2008 version of the Major Works Contract MW-2008.
| 22 Jun 2013 Get a quote
| 17 Jun 2013 Partnership
Master Builders Partnership Opportunities Our partners are an integral part of the success of the Master Builders WA events and awards program, and we are proud of the long relationships we have maintained with our core Partner base over the years. If you’re interested in joining a stellar line-up of successful businesses that help us […]
6 Jun 2013 |Timber Rot
Timber rot was a major problem in some Perth homes. A survey a few years ago suggested that houses in Subiaco, Ardross, Floreat, Nedlands and Mosman Park were most likely to suffer from timber rot. This incidence of timber rot is not surprising as it usually occurs in older homes and caused by a lack […]
6 Jun 2013 |Timber Waste
Up until recently, most builders dumped all construction waste together – sand, rubble, bricks, timber offcuts were all collected by a bobcat driver and sent to landfill. However, regulations now only allow disposal of “inert waste” at Class 1 landfill sites, which most builders use. Waste which includes timber is being refused at the gate […]
6 Jun 2013 |Windows
Window considerations are often underrated by homebuyers when they are planning to build their new home. However with a little pre-planning and thought, correct window selection for your needs can occur. The correct size and shape of windows is important to maximise the energy efficiency of your new home and reduce your energy bills. The […]