
Member Login

  1. Don’t Let Your Chance to Comment go to Waste

    Members are again reminded of proposed approaches for legislative reform to the waste levy and waste management. The proposed changes have potential negative impacts for industry. The public consultation period ends on November 16. Members are strongly encouraged to review the discussion paper and email their feedback to Jason. Thanks to members who have made contributions to date.

  2. Public Feedback is Important

    Members are also reminded that the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) is seeking public comment on proposed changes to State Planning Policy 5.4 Road and Rail Noise and associated guidelines. A key objective of this policy is to minimise the impact of road and rail noise on noise-sensitive land uses; and protect the State’s key transport corridors. Public comment Submissions close at 5pm on December 15. To access the Draft and associated documents, click here. Comments can be emailed to Jason.