Pride yourself on Excellence in Workplace Health & Safety?
Then enter the Excellence in Workplace Health & Safety category in the upcoming Housing Excellence Awards. Homes entered must be under construction and will be audited in order to assess your standards. Click here to learn more.
City of Stirling needs to hear from you
The City of Stirling’s Verge Permit and Bond Policy is open for public comment. Stirling Council considers that mixing concrete and cutting roof materials on the verge is a high-risk activity for pedestrians and road users, and essentially extends a building site to the kerb line. Members are strongly encouraged to view the amended policy and submit comment. The consultation period closes on September 11, 2017. Visit City of Stirling to make your comments known.
News from National Residential Building Council
Master Builders' National Residential Building Council held a teleconference this week. Key discussion items included the release of CEDA's Housing Australia August 2017 report. The report is another important contribution to the housing policy debate, particularly around housing affordability. Although Master Builders does not agree with all the recommendations in the report, a number of them align with what we as an industry have been calling on Government to action for a long time.
Please provide industry feedback
Members are reminded the Public Comment Draft of NCC 2016 Volume One Amendment 1 was released last week. This amendment is a result of a Building Ministers’ Forum direction to the ABCB to expedite completing and adopting actions involving changes to the NCC from the comprehensive package of measures for fire safety in high rise buildings, developed following the Lacrosse Apartments fire in Melbourne. Those with an interest in providing comment are encouraged to do so by completing an online response form by September 10.
Final reminder regarding Home Indemnity Insurance
From November 1, QBE will become the sole provider for Builders Warranty Insurance in WA. All existing RBUA builders must submit and complete a full Financial Review by September 30. Builders who currently have RBUA Eligibility can have certificates issued until October 31, provided they are within the approved limits. QBE will commence eligibility assessments of the existing RBUA builders between August and October. If you are an RBUA builder and require assistance with this transition, contact MBA Insurance Services' dedicated Home Indemnity team on 1800 150 888.
Standards Australia review
The AS/NZS 4994.4 – Temporary edge protection Part 4: Perimeter Protection Screens is currently under review by Standards Australia. A revised draft of the standard can be viewed here. If you have any thoughts regarding the draft, public comment can be made here by COB on Friday, September 29.