
Member Login

  1. Mates in Construction

    Our staff welcomed Brad Geatches, the new CEO of Mates in Construction in WA, to his job this week. Master Builders is very supportive of the role MATES play in reducing suicide in our industry. We will be flying the MATES flag on RU OK Day on 13 September and encourage members to do the same. Click here.

  2. Home Editorial

    Click here to read the Director’s editorial in The Sunday Times HOME magazine on 29 July reporting on the improving prospects of the Mid West region.

  3. CEO Lunch at The Westin

    Members are encouraged to book a seat or table at our annual CEO and managers’ lunch on 17 August. This year’s lunch features Governor Kim Beazley and an amazing Robert Law award recipient. Click here to attend.

  4. Lawn Bowls, Anyone?

    Master Builders’ annual lawn bowls afternoon will be held at Sorrento Bowling Club from 1.15pm on 8 August. No experience is necessary, click here to play.

  5. New Radio Campaign

    "Whether you're a builder, subbie or tradie we'll teach you to Master the Building and Construction Industry." Have you heard Master Builders new radio campaign on Nova 93.7? Keep an ear out and let us know your thoughts!