Building Commission undertaking audits
Members are reminded of audits undertaken by the Building Commission. The Building Commission’s inspectors and investigators utilise inspection sheets to assist with the audit process. These inspection sheets have been converted into two checklists, Builders’ technical quality assurance checklist and Builders’ administrative quality assurance checklist. These checklists can assist builders to conduct their own internal audits. Any additional feedback on the audit check-sheets or the audit program can be forwarded to Jason.
Timber roof framing documentation required
Recently, West Australian building practitioners were invited to attend a presentation on timber roof framing and the minimum level of documentation required. If you wanted to attend but were unable, or are interested in finding out more, a recording of the presentation is now available to view (YouTube). Click here.
Strata Reforms and Regulations
Members are reminded of the Strata Reforms currently in progress in relation to the Regulations. The amendments to the Regulations will be required because of the amendments to the Strata Titles Act covered in the strata reforms. Drafting of the strata reforms continues and the next two consultation portions of the draft Bills that will be released for comment will be the Community Titles Bill (creation of schemes) and Strata Titles Amendment Bill (lease hold strata). For further information visit the strata reform page on Landgate’s website.