
Member Login

  1. Published NCC Standards

    Members are advised Standards Australia has published the following NCC referenced standards:

    1) AS/NZS 4200.1 – Pliable building membranes and underlays (Materials)

    2) AS 4200.2 – Pliable building membranes and underlays (Installation)

    Both are important standards for industry, although the 2017 versions will not be called up until the 2019 NCC. Changes in these standards are varied and as they relate to condensation and energy efficiency. Any questions should be emailed to Jason.

  2. ABCB Recognised Standards

    Members are advised the above Standards are recognised by the ABCB for consideration for performance solutions. Click here for more.

  3. Drainage Plumbing Diagrams

    The Building Commission is now targeting drainage plumbing diagrams. Click here for the Industry Bulletin.