6 Jun 2013 |Shower Floors – Slope
Tiling in Shower Recesses The minimum standard required for wet areas in residential buildings is contained in the Building Code of Australia (BCA) and AS3740 – Waterproofing of wet areas in residential buildings. This includes tiling and gradients of bathroom floors including shower recesses. The recommended ratio of fall within showers is between 1:60 and […]
6 Jun 2013 |Preliminary Agreements
A Preliminary Agreement (PA), or Preparation of Plans Agreement, is a common document used by builders dealing with clients in the early stages of building a new home. These agreements do not involve building work and are preparatory to entering a building contract. Some common features are: the consumer is committed to paying a “deposit”, […]
6 Jun 2013 |Energy Efficiency
As of May 1 2007, new energy provisions of the Building Code of Australia came into effect in WA, setting minimum standards for energy consumption in new homes. This includes provision for glazing, insulation, ventilation and so on. The objective of the BCA is that the building fabric must meet minimum energy efficiency requirements. The […]
South West: Top Marks for Builders
WA Country Builders South West was named the project builder of the year at the Master Builders Associations awards last month.