Belpile Pty Ltd
Belpile offer a high quality geotechnical service producing effective and economical foundation engineering projects. Experience in more than 650 projects in the Perth Metropolitan area, provides unparalleled understanding of the geology of the region, enhanced by numerous static pile load tests undertaken by Belpile as research and development in cooperation with UWA.Our comprehensive piling design and construction capability includes expertise in bored piling for the installation of bearing piles and for piled retaining walls, ground anchorages and micro-fine grouting. Our unique and patented “Belpile” piling system provides an enhanced base capacity even when constructed below the water table.Our fleet of rigs and specialist equipment ranges from mini-pile rigs for confined space work to self-erecting track-mounted hydraulic drilling rigs for all types of bored cast-in-place piling. In addition, a full range of bentonite plant and equipment is available enabling the construction of uncased piles in unstable soil conditions.