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2017 State Election

As the voice of WA’s building industry, Master Builders is calling on WA’s politicians to revitalise the WA economy to benefit its builders and the community. Our top State election policies are:

  1. Housing Affordability
  2. Fast Track Projects
  3. Boost Employment

1.  Affordable Housing

 Home ownership and the adequate supply of a diverse range of housing options are vital components of the West Australian economy.

With WA having some of the highest regulatory costs in Australia, and with Perth currently listed as the city with the nation’s second highest cost of living, the ability to build and own your own home is out of reach for many. The building industry is challenged with keeping costs down and we ask the incoming WA government to assist industry in achieving these goals. Master Builders recommends the following:

  • Reform housing indemnity insurance to create a more sustainable scheme.
  • Introduce more realistic bushfire regulations to increase the viability of new home purchases and home renovations.

2.  Fast Track Projects

Reducing red tape burdens for the benefit of industry and consumers.

Many builders experience unprecedented delays due to inconsistent planning approvals and red tape. To ensure projects are built on time and on budget Master Builders recommends the following:

  • Streamline the planning approvals process.
  • Extend private certification to planning approvals.
  • Consolidate the Planning and Local Government portfolios.
  • Establish an Infrastructure WA body.

3.  Boost Employment

Strong Building, Strong Economy: A strong building industry will result in a strong economy and a prosperous future for all West Australians.

With WA having the highest unemployment rate in Australia and the number of apprenticeships decreasing, we need to ensure the sustainability of the building and construction industry. Master Builders recommends the following:

  • Increase payroll tax threshold to $1m and/or provide a two-year exemption for new staff employed.
  • Ensure that the Code of Conduct is effective in dealing with unlawful industrial relations practices, security of payment and union right of entry for safety purposes.
  • Increase the Buy Local Policy threshold up to which regional preferences can be claimed, from the current $5m to $10m.
  • Exempt first and second year apprentices from workers’ compensation.
  • Fast track state and local government capital works projects.

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